Wednesday, November 3, 2021

For The Love of Tea

"My favorite heirloom is my great grandmother's teacup. I avoid drinking out of it for reasons similar to the mishaps of Hyacinth Bucket's next door neighbor Elizabeth so it continues to sit inside a display cabinet.  

Tea Houses are en vogue. Recently gathering with friends away from the typical hot spot or tequila bar has pivoted to being in a calmer, intellectually uplifting, earth conscious atmosphere.

From San Francisco to Japan, every Tea House I have visited was a joyous experience. The tea was magnificently prepared and I savored the moment in every sip. 

This Fall/Winter seems a bit different when preparing tea perhaps due to Covid and being indoors more often. There has been a strong interest in discovering new recipes, enjoying the hunt for new herbs and spices that pair with our favorite foods as well as growing our own bouquets. And those lovely edible flowers....

Cheers to wellness and an abundance of mindful benefits ". -L

 Japan. Amsterdam. Turkey. London. Paris. Rome.

Or with The Queen...

"There's always time for a cup of tea".  - L

Harney & Sons


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