style design by lisa

I honor an elegant look. It reflects and reminds us that in past times we continued to culturally share quality, pride & style. Timeless looks seem to always be the trend such as these images of original and restored decor & fashion pieces.
D E C O R r e s t o r e d
I find that when I'm shopping for unique pieces for display and for clients, I like to have an abundance of items to root through. It keeps my eyes challenged yet gives me instant ideas. Most people like antique stores & consignment warehouses to display vignettes and ideas in a more "Showroom" (already set up) way. I prefer to look through merchandise that's fresh off the truck so I'm not copying others in how they think items should sell or be placed in their home.

I find clients even prefer to pay a little extra for the hanger. It makes for a beautiful add-on sale and creates a feeling of "Luxury".... just like the feeling you get when slipping on some very expensive, complimentary hand cream before exiting.
I LOVE that.

When working with dress forms, they must be in excellent condition to show off every detail of what's displayed on them. With the proper lighting...they are incredibly effective and look magnificent in elegant store windows. Attaching handbags, scarves, jewelry and belts can be addicting but sometimes "Simple" is the best way to achieve that perfect, stunning look.