"When executed for film, close- up product modeling or for the current aesthetic for designer fashions, the process and hours it takes to apply make-up and appear flawless yet natural is mind boggling and certainly a fascinating world-usually a closed session without any opportunity to peek backstage.

continue to bring out the "Fantasy Can Be Reality" mindset many of us feel; Creating era-driven styles and contours from pigments that give a look of dark & often anti-violence awareness style (Grunge) to dewy, euro-romantic looks while runway models walk in sync with bursts of outrageously stunning faces done with the utmost artistic flair imagined.
The perception of Elegance
is relative with how diverse global style culture has become. From powdery, multi-sheer and ethereal looks, over the top stencil painted eyes to rich red lipsticks that immediately take us to Hollywood, elegantly styled faces remain the most beautiful.
I call it creatively protesting in silence." ~ lisa
style layout by lisa