KEIRA KNIGHTLY/ Iconic Beauty.
k e i r a.
The one name that becomes many.
"An incredible actress of the modern era and which fashion modeling parallels as an effortless looking, natural born talent. Keira's instincts on camera seem to satisfy the directors' vision- the reason for numerous award nominations. I feel honored just to be able to write this post". ~ lisa
" I enjoy the fact that period films are pure fantasy. You get to create the character". ~ Keira.

Watch the video:
Behind the Scenes of Pride and Prejudice.
Watch BTS with Keira and the cast of the classic film/story of "Pride & Prejudice". Her fantasy-like character "Lizzy" truly portrays the essence of any young girl with a huge heart ready for love.
"I was fascinated by the interior set design work within all the lush walls of the historical landmark properties throughout England during the making of the film. The incredible direction and detail are now embedded in my mind".
~ lisa
" Hoping Keira stars as "Audrey Hepburn" in a future film. She would portray her to perfection". ~ L