Sunday, February 24, 2019

Oscar Magic- Before The Red Carpet.

O S C A R    M A G I C

before the red carpet.

Illustrations before the fashions are adored by fans around the globe.

Featuring Hayden Williams.

"There is always a fascinating story behind why our beloved stars wear a particular style fashion at The Oscars. The inspiration behind the designs have captivated audiences often more than the role of which their favorite actors have been nominated. To me it's why wardrobe styling & costume design are such important categories in the making of a timeless character. Beauty is just the beginning". 


"A lot of people are surprised that I do things old school
and do everything by hand. I think illustration is much more interesting looking with less photo shop. 

I love that iconic designers such as Oscar De La Renta and Karl Lagerfeld still hand sketch everything".
-Hayden Williams

style layout by lisa