Friday, July 31, 2020

Find Me In My Peacock Chair

Find Me In My Peacock Chair
Summer/ Fall 2020


T H E   P E A C O C K   C H A I R

r e t u r n s

"The iconic Edwardian-inspired chair has been a sensual symbol

 with fashion models, celebrities and during the golden era of film;

 more recently a part of the
Nouveau Bohemian Movement.

The Peacock Chair takes me back to the 70's when 
my neighbor had one in the corner of her living room. 
I always knew if I sat in it, I would feel like a queen. 
It was so intriguing. My first retail job was working at 
Cost Plus Imports. There were rattan chairs everywhere. I used
 to sit in one on my breaks while contemplating my next 
display design".


" You can find me in my Peacock Chair". - lisa

layout by lisa


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