Saturday, June 8, 2013

EDMUND IAN GRANT: The Paintings of

E D  G R A N T  
the paintings of 

featuring the new exhibit: Jazzland and Other Stories in conjunction with the art of Miles Davis, The Art of Cool currently showing at the Napa Valley Museum, CA thru June 30th, 2013. 


Napa Valley Museum presents Jazzland and Other Stories, a new exhibit of the paintings of Edmund Ian Grant- many of which were influenced by his musical and jazz background. The exhibit  is presented in conjunction with Miles Davis: The Art of Cool 
(June 8- July 28)
Jazzland and Other Stories is included in the Museum admission.

Reception with the Artist
Thursday June 20 5:30-7pm
free for museum members
$10 for guests 
RSVP requested

Grant- an award winning, self-taught visual artist who lives and works in the Napa Valley has been producing art continuously for the last 26 years. His extensive exhibits include shows in San Francisco, Dallas, Miami, New Orleans, Florence, Milan, London,Tuscany, Tel Aviv and Paris at the prestigious Grand Palais.
Ed has an international following that has collectors and critics abroad praising his work and juried him into shows that have awarded him with critical acclaim.
Currently he is showing at the Gagliardi Galley of London and Villa Spankadellik, his own Art Villa in the Napa Valley.

Ed will be exhibiting in the show 
Larger than life
at the Walter Wickiser Gallery
Manhatten, NY
opening reception Dec.12, 2013

Most recently Grant was awarded First Prize in Painting by the
Anglo-Italian Academy of Arts at the 2011 Biennale of Chianciano and the coveted First Prize in the Leonardo Awards for Digital Art at the 2012 Chianciano International Art Awards, Art of the Mind; both shows held at the Art Museum of Chianciano in Tuscany, Italy.
Grant's work has been included in the book Segnalati by the important Italian art critic, Dr. Salvatore Russo released in Europe May 2013 and can be viewed in the national juried book, American Art Collector 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 editions.

                                           The Unraveling

                                                       Eve's Garden

to learn more about the artist:

                        m i l e s   d a v i s
          the art of cool

    Currently on exhibit at the Napa Valley Museum